Things to do
Beaches nearby Quinta del Encanto
Beach Distilleries Nauhi Village
You can arrive at this beach in 10 minutes using the old road. Parking is available, take your lunch to have a good day at the beach or eat at the restaurant in Nauhi. Parking near the entrance to Nauhi. A popular beach for many tourists and close to The Villa at Quinta del Encanto
A great beach for a stroll, eating, and shopping. We take the road to Pta. Mita and back on the Tepic highway. It’s 45 minutes to get there and 25 minutes to get back.
La Mazanilla
Another popular area of La Cruz and has palapas on the beach, restaurants, and parking. 5 minutes from The Villa at Quinta del Encanto. The closest beach to go swimming.
Huanacaxtle Family Beach
Beach near the Oso’s Restaurant is good for walking and you can enter one side of the fishermen’s market.
Sunday Market
November to April. Worth it! Find it in the fishermen’s market one side of the Marina Nayarit.
W Hotel
Vallarta Gardens
Spa-Salon V
Oasis Massage